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Cameron's Little Society

You are here: Home / Blog / Politics / Cameron's Little Society
David Cameron has spent three days trying to justify his BigSoc idea. Given the Economy and the NHS look as though they will require major u-turns during 2011 it does seem rather odd that he should try and convince the nation of its merits.

At every county, unitary and borough council level there are substantial cuts and maybe as many as 500,000 pubic servants will be made redundant during the year. He asks if local politicians would make more of them redundant rather than squeeze the grants to the charity and voluntary sectors. Where has he been living for the past 30 years?

You cannot make local people redundant in the numbers he is suggesting and then appeal over the top of them and ask for the BigSoc whatever that is to seize "power"????

We already have one of the best charitable/voluntary sectors in the world. If we are to enhance it then we have to change the way local government works. We have to do that first.

As for a social bank charging the market rate you may as well stick with the Coop Bank........all very confusing........Mr Cameron 2/10 for trying.


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